Ncdt | |
Ncdt_lib | |
NfastEnvelope | |
Nh5pp | |
Ninternal | |
▼Nnlohmann | |
Cadl_serializer< wmtk::components::input::InputOptions > | |
Cadl_serializer< std::filesystem::path > | JSON serialization of std::filesystem::path |
Nparaviewo | |
▼Npolysolve | |
Nnonlinear | |
NSimpleBVH | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::AttributeHandle > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::TypedAttributeHandle< double > > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::TypedAttributeHandle< int64_t > > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::TypedAttributeHandle< char > > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::TypedAttributeHandle< wmtk::Rational > > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::MeshAttributeHandle > | |
Cnumeric_limits< DScalar1< _Scalar, _Gradient > > | |
Cnumeric_limits< DScalar2< _Scalar, _Gradient, _Hessian > > | |
▼Nwmtk | |
►Nattribute | |
►Ninternal | |
CAttributeTransactionStack | |
CAttributeCacheData | |
CAttributeFlatCache | |
CCheckpointScope | |
CCompoundAccessor | |
Cis_typed_attribute_handle | |
Cis_typed_attribute_handle< TypedAttributeHandle< T > > | |
Nupdate_strategies | |
Nutils | |
CAccessor | A CachingAccessor that uses tuples for accessing attributes instead of indices |
CAttribute | This class stores data of type T in a vector |
CMeshAttributes | Contains all attributes of type T for a single mesh |
CAccessorCache | |
CAccessorBase | |
CPerThreadAttributeScopeStacks | |
CTypedAttributeHandle | Handle that represents attributes for some mesh |
CAttributeHandle | Internal handle representation used by MeshAttributes |
CAttributeManager | |
CCachingAccessor | An accessor for cached attribute values |
CAttributeScope | |
CAttributeScopeHandle | This handle is a wrapper for the MeshManager scope funtions |
Ctype_from_attribute_type_enum | |
Ctype_from_attribute_type_enum< AttributeType::Char > | |
Ctype_from_attribute_type_enum< AttributeType::Double > | |
Ctype_from_attribute_type_enum< AttributeType::Int64 > | |
Ctype_from_attribute_type_enum< AttributeType::Rational > | |
CIndexFlagAccessor | |
CFlagAccessor | |
CMeshAttributeHandle | |
CTupleAccessor | |
►Nautogen | |
►Nedge_mesh | |
Ninternal | |
CSimplexDart | |
Ninternal | |
►Npoint_mesh | |
CSimplexDart | |
Nsubgroup | |
►Ntet_mesh | |
Ninternal | |
CSimplexDart | |
►Ntri_mesh | |
Ninternal | |
CSimplexDart | |
Nutils | |
CDart | |
CSimplexDart | |
►Ncomponents | |
►Nadaptive_tessellation | |
►Nimage | |
CImage | |
CSampling | |
CSamplingAnalyticFunction | |
CSamplingImage | |
CSamplingBicubic | |
►Ninput | |
CInputOptions | |
►Ninternal | |
Cbbox | |
CSegment | |
CEdgeInsOptions | |
CExportCacheOptions | |
CGetAllMeshesOptions | |
CImportCacheOptions | |
CMeshInfoOptions | |
CMultiMeshFromTag | This class generates a multi-mesh from a mesh where the substructure is represented by a tag |
CTagAttribute | |
CRegularSpace | |
CRegularSpaceOptions | |
CSimplicialEmbedding | |
CTagIntersectionAttributes | |
CTagIntersectionValues | |
CTagIntersectionOptions | |
CWindingNumberOptions | |
►Nisotropic_remeshing | |
CIsotropicRemeshingOptions | |
►Nlongest_edge_split | |
CLongestEdgeSplitOptions | |
►Nmultimesh | |
Ninternal | |
►Nutils | |
►Ndetail | |
Cattribute_ambiguous_error | |
Cattribute_error | |
Cattribute_missing_error | |
CAttributeDescription | |
CMeshCollection | |
►CNamedMultiMesh | |
CNode | |
►Noutput | |
COutputOptions | |
►Nprocedural | |
►CDiskOptions | |
CCoordinates | |
►CGrid2Options | |
CCoordinates | |
►CGrid3Options | |
CCoordinates | |
CGridOptions | |
CProceduralOptions | |
►CTriangleFanOptions | |
CCoordinates | |
►Nshortest_edge_collapse | |
CShortestEdgeCollapseOptions | |
►Ntriangle_insertion | |
CChildMeshes | |
►Nutils | |
CComponentOptionsBase | |
►CPathResolver | |
CImpl | |
CEdgeInsertionMeshes | |
CTagAttribute | |
CMarching | This component implements a marching triangle/tetrahedra |
CMarchingOptions | |
CFusionOptions | |
CMultimeshUVOptions | |
CMultimeshBOptions | |
CMultimeshTOptions | |
CPeriodicOptimizationOptions | |
CSimplicialEmbeddingOptions | |
CTagIntersection | |
CRandom | |
CAABBWrapper | |
CElementInQueue | |
Ccmp_s | |
Ccmp_l | |
CToPtsOptions | |
CEnvelopeOptions | |
CWildMeshingOptions | |
CWildmeshingOptionsAttributes | |
CWildmeshingOptionsEnvelopeMesh | |
CWildmeshingOptionsEnvelope | |
CWildmeshingOptions | |
►Nfunction | |
►Nutils | |
Ndetail | |
CAutoDiffRAII | |
CPositionMapEvaluator | |
CFunction | |
CLocalNeighborsSumFunction | |
CPerSimplexAutodiffFunction | This is an extension of the PerSimplexFunction class that uses autodiff encoding for differentiations |
CPerSimplexFunction | |
CEdgeValenceEnergy | |
CPositionMapAMIPS2D | 2D TriangleAMIPS uses uv and position map to get the 3d cooridnates then evaluate |
CTriangleAMIPS | This is the implementation of the AMIPS energy function of a triangle mesh that can be embedded in 2d or 3d |
Nimage | |
►Ninvariants | |
►Ninternal | |
CConstantInvariant | |
CCollapseEnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CCollapseEnergyBeforeInvariantDouble | |
CCollapseSoftEnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CEdgeValenceInvariant | For edge swap in tetmesh |
CEnvelopeInvariant | |
CFrozenVertexInvariant | |
CFrozenOppVertexInvariant | |
CFunctionInvariant | |
CFusionEdgeInvariant | |
CInteriorEdgeInvariant | |
CInteriorSimplexInvariant | |
CInteriorVertexInvariant | |
CInvariant | |
CInvariantCollection | |
CMaxFunctionInvariant | |
CMinEdgeLengthInvariant | |
CMinIncidentValenceInvariant | Invariant for minimum valence on both incident vertices of an edge |
CMultiMeshLinkConditionInvariant | |
CNoBoundaryCollapseToInteriorInvariant | |
CNoChildMeshAttachingInvariant | |
CSeparateSubstructuresInvariant | |
CTetMeshSubstructureTopologyPreservingInvariant | |
CTriMeshSubstructureTopologyPreservingInvariant | |
CuvEdgeInvariant | |
CValenceImprovementInvariant | |
►Nio | |
Nutils | |
CCache | |
CCachedMultiMesh | |
CMshReader | |
►CParaviewWriter | |
CParaviewInternalWriter | |
Nmesh_utils | |
►Nmultimesh | |
►Nattribute | |
CAttributeScopeHandle | |
CCollapseNewValueApplicatorBase | |
CNewSimplexValueApplicator | |
CUpdateStrategyCollection | |
CUseParentScopeRAII | |
Noperations | |
►Nutils | |
►Ninternal | |
CTupleTag | TupleTag is a util helper class for tagging edges in a triangle mesh |
CMapValidator | |
CMultiMeshSimplexVisitor | |
CMultiMeshVisitor | |
CMultiMeshSimplexVisitorExecutor | |
CMultiMeshVisitorExecutor | |
CBoundaryChecker | |
CMappable | |
CMappableContainer | |
►CMultiMeshManager | Implementation details for how the Mesh class implements multiple meshes |
CChildData | |
CMultiMeshSimplexEventVisitor | |
►Noperations | |
►Nattribute_update | |
CCastAttributeTransferStrategy | |
►Ncomposite | |
CProjectOperation | |
CTetCellSplit | TetCellSplit |
CTetEdgeSwap | Performs an edge swap, implemented as a combination of swap and collapse |
CTetFaceSwap | A FaceSwap (or a Swap 2-3) performs a swap a face sharing by two tets to an edge split the volume of the two tets into three new tets |
CTriEdgeSwap | Performs an edge swap, implemented as a combination of swap and collapse |
CTriFaceSplit | The return tuple is the new vertex, pointing to the original vertex |
►Nedge_mesh | |
CCollapseNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
CEdgeOperationData | |
CSplitNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
►Ninternal | |
CAttributeTransferConfigurationPimpl | |
CCollapseAlternateFacetData | |
CCollapseAlternateFacetOptionData | |
CSplitAlternateFacetData | Given a global id returns global ids |
CSplitAlternateFacetOptionData | |
►Ntet_mesh | |
CCollapseNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
►CEdgeOperationData | |
CEarTet | An EarTet is a neighbor of a tet to be deleted in the split/collapse operation |
CFaceCollapseData | |
CFaceSplitData | |
CIncidentFaceData | |
CIncidentTetData | Data on the incident tets of the operating edge |
CSplitNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
►Ntri_mesh | |
CCollapseNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
►CEdgeOperationData | |
CEarData | An ear is a face that is adjacent to a face that is incident to the edge on which the operation is performed |
CIncidentFaceData | Data on the incident face relevant for performing operations |
CSplitNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
►Nutils | |
CMultiMeshEdgeCollapseFunctor | |
CMultiMeshEdgeSplitFunctor | |
CUpdateEdgeOperationMultiMeshMapFunctor | |
►CAMIPSOptimizationSmoothing | |
►CAMIPSOptimizationSmoothingPeriodic | |
CAndOperationSequence | |
CBaseCollapseNewAttributeStrategy | |
CCollapseNewAttributeStrategy | |
CCollapseNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
CNewAttributeStrategy | |
CBaseSplitNewAttributeStrategy | |
CSplitNewAttributeStrategy | |
CSplitNewAttributeTopoInfo | |
CAttributeTransferStrategy | |
CSingleAttributeTransferStrategy | |
CAttributeTransferStrategyBase | |
CAttributesUpdate | |
CAttributesUpdateWithFunction | |
CAttributeTransferConfiguration | |
CAttributeTransferEdge | |
CEdgeCollapse | |
CEdgeOperationData | |
CEdgeSplit | |
CMinOperationSequence | |
COperation | |
COperationSequence | |
►COptimizationSmoothing | |
CWMTKProblem | |
COrOperationSequence | |
CRounding | |
CTetWildTangentialLaplacianSmoothing | |
CVertexLaplacianSmooth | |
CVertexTangentialLaplacianSmooth | |
►Nsimplex | |
►Ninternal | This class is a utility to perform breadth first search on simplices |
CHomogeneousSimplexEqualFunctor | |
CHomogeneousSimplexLessFunctor | |
CSimplexEqualFunctor | |
CSimplexLessFunctor | |
CVisitedArray | |
►Nutils | |
►CMeshSimplexComparator | |
CEqual | |
CLess | |
CSimplexComparisons | |
CIdSimplex | |
CIdSimplexCollection | |
►CClosedStarIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
►CCofacesInSimplexIterable | Get all cofaces that are in a specific simplex type |
CIterator | |
►CCofacesSingleDimensionIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
CFacesIterable | |
►CHalfClosedStarIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
►CLinkIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
►CLinkSingleDimensionIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
►COpenStarIterable | This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable |
CIterator | |
►CTopDimensionCofacesIterable | Iterating through the d-simplices of a mesh can be done in different ways, depending on the simplex dimension x around which the iteration is done |
CIterator | |
CNavigatableSimplex | |
CRawSimplex | A meshless implementation of the simplex that just stores an array of ids |
CRawSimplexCollection | |
CSimplex | |
CSimplexCollection | |
►Ntests | |
Ntools | |
►Nutils | |
►Ndetail | |
►CPrimitiveTypeRange | |
Citerator | |
►Nmetaprogramming | |
►Ndetail | |
Cas_variant_impl | |
Cas_variant_impl< BaseVariantTraitsType, IsConst, std::tuple< DerivedTypes... >, Index > | |
Ccell_dimension | |
Ccell_dimension< PointMesh > | |
Ccell_dimension< EdgeMesh > | |
Ccell_dimension< TriMesh > | |
Ccell_dimension< TetMesh > | |
►CDefaultComparatorType | |
CEqual | |
CLess | |
CReferenceWrappedFunctorReturnCache | |
CReferenceWrappedFunctorReturnType | |
CReferenceWrappedFunctorReturnType< Functor, std::tuple< VTs... >, Ts... > | |
CReferenceWrappedFunctorReturnType< Functor, std::variant< VTs... >, Ts... > | |
►Ntuple | |
►Ndetail | |
Cas_variant_type | |
Cas_variant_type< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cget_unique_remove_void_types_from_tuple | |
Cget_unique_remove_void_types_from_tuple< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cget_unique_types | |
Cget_unique_types_tuple | |
Cget_unique_types< T > | |
Cget_unique_types< T, Ts... > | |
Cget_unique_types_tuple< T, std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cremove_void | |
Cremove_void< void > | |
Cremove_void< T > | |
Cremove_void_tuple | |
Cremove_void_tuple< T, std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cremove_void< T, Ts... > | |
Cconcatenate_types | |
Cconcatenate_types< std::tuple< Ts... >, std::tuple< Us... > > | |
CDerivedReferenceWrapperVariantTraits | |
Cunwrap_reference | |
Cunwrap_reference< std::reference_wrapper< U > > | |
Cunwrap_ref_decay | |
►CDynamicArray | |
CIterator | |
CEigenMatrixWriter | |
CHashable | |
CMerkleTreeInteriorNode | |
Cmesh_type_from_primitive_type | |
Cmesh_type_from_primitive_type< PrimitiveType::Vertex > | |
Cmesh_type_from_primitive_type< PrimitiveType::Edge > | |
Cmesh_type_from_primitive_type< PrimitiveType::Triangle > | |
Cmesh_type_from_primitive_type< PrimitiveType::Tetrahedron > | |
Cmesh_type_from_dimension | |
CRandomSeedSingleton | |
CStopWatch | |
CTupleCellLessThan | |
CTupleInspector | |
Chash | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::AttributeHandle > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::TypedAttributeHandle< T > > | |
Chash< wmtk::attribute::MeshAttributeHandle > | |
CCell | |
►CEdgeMesh | |
CEdgeMeshOperationExecutor | |
CEnergyFilterInvariant | |
CMaxEdgeLengthInvariant | |
CMultiMeshMapValidInvariant | |
CMultiMeshEdgeTopologyInvariant | |
CRoundedInvariant | |
CSimplexInversionInvariant | |
CSwap23EnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CSwap2dEdgeLengthInvariant | |
CSwap2dUnroundedVertexInvariant | |
CSwap32EnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CSwap32EnergyBeforeInvariantDouble | |
CSwap44EnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CSwap44EnergyBeforeInvariantDouble | |
CSwap56EnergyBeforeInvariant | |
CSwap56EnergyBeforeInvariantDouble | |
CTodoInvariant | |
CTodoLargerInvariant | |
CTodoSmallerInvariant | |
CHDF5Reader | |
CHDF5Writer | |
CMeshWriter | |
CMesh | |
CMeshCRTP | A Curiously Recurring Template Pattern shim to enable generic specialization of functions |
CMultiMeshManager | |
CPointMesh | |
CPrimitive | |
CSchedulerStats | |
CScheduler | |
►CTetMesh | |
CTetMeshOperationExecutor | |
►CTriMesh | |
CTriMeshOperationExecutor | |
CTuple | |
CRational | |