Wildmeshing Toolkit
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#include <tuple>
4#include <wmtk/Tuple.hpp>
8// included to make a friend as this requires IDs
12// debug function that reads into this structure
16namespace wmtk {
18class Mesh;
19class HDF5Reader;
20namespace operations {
21class EdgeOperationData;
22namespace utils {
23class UpdateEdgeOperationMultiMeshMapFunctor;
25} // namespace operations
26namespace attribute {
27template <typename T, typename MeshType, int Dim>
28class Accessor;
30namespace multimesh {
31template <int64_t cell_dimension, typename NodeFunctor>
33template <typename Visitor>
34class MultiMeshSimplexVisitorExecutor;
36template <typename NodeFunctor>
38template <typename Visitor>
39class MultiMeshVisitorExecutor;
41namespace utils {
42class MapValidator;
45} // namespace multimesh
46class Mesh;
47namespace simplex {
48class Simplex;
49class SimplexCollection;
50} // namespace simplex
51} // namespace wmtk
52namespace wmtk::multimesh {
59 // utility function for mapping the same set of simplices (or a subset of equivalent simplices)
60 friend std::vector<std::array<Tuple, 2>> multimesh::same_simplex_dimension_surjection(
61 const Mesh& parent,
62 const Mesh& child,
63 const std::vector<int64_t>& parent_simplices);
65 // let the visitor object access the internal details
66 template <int64_t cell_dimension, typename NodeFunctor>
68 friend class wmtk::Mesh;
69 template <typename Visitor>
73 template <typename NodeFunctor>
75 template <typename Visitor>
77 friend class wmtk::HDF5Reader;
79 friend class utils::MapValidator;
82 // @param the max dimension of the mesh we will get passed
83 MultiMeshManager(int64_t dimension);
90 // attribute directly hashes its "children" components so it overrides "child_hashes"
91 std::map<std::string, const wmtk::utils::Hashable*> child_hashables() const override;
92 std::map<std::string, std::size_t> child_hashes() const override;
95 void detach_children();
97 //=========================================================
98 // Storage of MultiMesh
99 //=========================================================
101 /*
102 * @brief The set of attribute handles used by this manager (owned by this mesh)
103 *
104 * @returns a vector of attribute handles
105 */
106 std::vector<TypedAttributeHandle<int64_t>> map_handles() const;
111 bool is_root() const;
119 int64_t child_id() const;
120 // @brief a unique id for this mesh with respect to its multi-mesh tree
121 //
122 // This is guaranteed to be the sequence of mesh indices used to traverse from the root of the
123 // structure to this mesh (backwards)
124 std::vector<int64_t> absolute_id() const;
127 Mesh& get_mesh(Mesh& m, const std::vector<int64_t>& absolute_id);
128 const Mesh& get_mesh(const Mesh& m, const std::vector<int64_t>& absolute_id) const;
131 Mesh& get_child_mesh(Mesh& m, const std::vector<int64_t>& relative_id);
132 const Mesh& get_child_mesh(const Mesh& m, const std::vector<int64_t>& relative_id) const;
143 Mesh& my_mesh,
144 const std::shared_ptr<Mesh>& child_mesh,
145 const std::vector<std::array<Tuple, 2>>& child_tuple_my_tuple_map);
154 void deregister_child_mesh(Mesh& my_mesh, const std::shared_ptr<Mesh>& child_mesh_ptr);
162 void update_child_handles(Mesh& my_mesh);
165 // bool are_maps_valid(const Mesh& my_mesh) const;
167 //===========
168 //===========
169 // Map functions
170 //===========
171 //===========
172 // Note that when we map a M-tuple from a K-complex to a J-complex there are different
173 // relationships necessary if K == J
174 // if M == K then this is unique
175 // if M < K then this is many to many
176 // if K < J
177 // if M == K then it is one to many
178 // if M < K then it is many to many
179 //
180 // Note also that functions that end with _tuple or _tuples willl return tuples rather than
181 // simplices
183 //===========
184 // simplex::Simplex maps
185 //===========
204 std::vector<simplex::Simplex>
205 map(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Mesh& other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
218 std::vector<Tuple> lub_map_tuples(
219 const Mesh& my_mesh,
220 const Mesh& other_mesh,
221 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
234 std::vector<simplex::Simplex>
235 lub_map(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Mesh& other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
254 std::vector<Tuple> map_tuples(
255 const Mesh& my_mesh,
256 const Mesh& other_mesh,
257 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
272 simplex::Simplex map_to_parent(const Mesh& my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
287 Tuple map_to_parent_tuple(const Mesh& my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
299 simplex::Simplex map_to_root(const Mesh& my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
310 Tuple map_to_root_tuple(const Mesh& my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
322 std::vector<simplex::Simplex> map_to_child(
323 const Mesh& my_mesh,
324 const Mesh& child_mesh,
325 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
326 std::vector<Tuple> map_to_child_tuples(
327 const Mesh& my_mesh,
328 const Mesh& child_mesh,
329 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
332 bool can_map(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Mesh& other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex)
333 const;
334 bool can_map_child(
335 const Mesh& my_mesh,
336 const Mesh& other_mesh,
337 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex) const;
339 /* @brief obtains the root mesh of this multi-mesh tree
340 *
341 * @param my_mesh the mesh that this structure is owned by
342 */
343 const Mesh& get_root_mesh(const Mesh& my_mesh) const;
344 /* @brief obtains the root mesh of this multi-mesh tree
345 *
346 * @param my_mesh the mesh that this structure is owned by
347 */
348 Mesh& get_root_mesh(Mesh& my_mesh);
349 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>> get_child_meshes() const;
351 void serialize(MeshWriter& writer, const Mesh* local_root = nullptr) const;
353 bool has_child_mesh_in_dimension(int64_t dimension) const
354 {
355 return m_has_child_mesh_in_dimension[dimension];
356 }
358 bool has_child_mesh() const;
361 // Storage of a child mesh (a pointer from the mesh + the map from this mesh -> the child)
363 {
364 std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh;
365 // store the map from the manager's mesh to the child mesh (on the top
366 // level simplex of the mesh)
367 // encoded by a pair of two tuples, from a tuple in current mesh to a tuple in
368 // child_mesh
370 };
373 Mesh* m_parent = nullptr;
374 // only valid if this is the child of some other mesh
375 // store the map to the base_tuple of the my_mesh
378 // the index of this mesh with respect to its parent's m_children
379 int64_t m_child_id = -1;
382 // Child Meshes
383 std::vector<ChildData> m_children;
385 // indicates which kind of child mesh the parent mesh has
388protected: // protected to enable unit testing
389 //===========
390 // Tuple maps
391 //===========
393 // generic mapping function that maps a tuple from "this" mesh to its parent. We don't actually
394 // need the simplex parent of the tuple being mapped up so we can throw away the simplex-nes
395 Tuple map_tuple_to_parent_tuple(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Tuple& my_tuple) const;
397 Tuple map_tuple_to_root_tuple(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Tuple& my_tuple) const;
399 // wrapper for implementing converting tuple to a child using the internal map data
400 std::vector<Tuple> map_to_child_tuples(
401 const Mesh& my_mesh,
402 const ChildData& child_data,
403 const simplex::Simplex& simplex) const;
405 // wrapper for implementing converting tuple to a child using the internal map data
406 std::vector<Tuple> map_to_child_tuples(
407 const Mesh& my_mesh,
408 int64_t child_id,
409 const simplex::Simplex& simplex) const;
412 // utility static function for mapping a tuple between the source and target given a specified
413 // map accessor
415 const Mesh& source_mesh,
416 const Mesh& target_mesh,
417 const wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>& source_to_target_map_accessor,
418 const Tuple& source_tuple);
420 const std::vector<ChildData>& children() const { return m_children; }
421 std::vector<ChildData>& children() { return m_children; }
423 // uility for consistently specifying the name of the attribute used to map this mesh to its
424 // parent
425 static std::string parent_to_child_map_attribute_name(int64_t index);
426 // uility for consistently specifying the name of the attribute used to map this mesh to its
427 // parent
428 static std::string child_to_parent_map_attribute_name();
430 // returns {parent_to_child, child_to_parent} accessors
431 std::array<wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>, 2> get_map_accessors(
432 Mesh& my_mesh,
433 ChildData& c);
434 // returns {parent_to_child, child_to_parent} accessors
435 std::array<const wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>, 2> get_map_const_accessors(
436 const Mesh& my_mesh,
437 const ChildData& c) const;
440 //===========
441 // Utilities for updating maps after operations
442 //===========
443 // updates the map tuples to children for a particular dimension.
444 // for eeach simplex we store its global index and all variations of that face using a
445 // consistent set of subsimplices wrt the tuple representation If the new tuple has a
446 // representation
447 //
448 // it cannot handle map updates of its faces?
450 Mesh& my_mesh,
451 PrimitiveType primitive_type,
452 const std::vector<std::tuple<int64_t, std::vector<Tuple>>>& simplices_to_update,
453 const std::vector<std::tuple<int64_t, std::array<int64_t, 2>>>& split_cell_maps = {});
456 Mesh& my_mesh,
457 PrimitiveType primitive_type,
458 const operations::EdgeOperationData& operation_data);
461 // uses the available parameters to find a tuple that is equivalent to old_smiplex but using
462 // still-existing top level simplices. by equivalent each sub-simplex of old_simplex's tuple
463 // maps to the same thing as the returned tuple
464 std::optional<Tuple> find_valid_tuple(
465 Mesh& my_mesh,
466 const simplex::Simplex& old_simplex,
467 const int64_t old_gid,
468 const std::vector<Tuple>& tuple_alternatives,
469 const std::vector<std::tuple<int64_t, std::array<int64_t, 2>>>& split_cell_maps = {}) const;
471 // returns a tuple such that every subsmipelx in old_simplex's tuple maps to the same smiplex as
472 std::optional<Tuple> find_valid_tuple_from_alternatives(
473 Mesh& my_mesh,
474 PrimitiveType primitive_type,
475 const std::vector<Tuple>& tuple_alternatives) const;
477 // returns a tuple such that every subsmipelx in old_simplex's tuple maps to the same smiplex as
478 // before
479 std::optional<Tuple> find_valid_tuple_from_split(
480 Mesh& my_mesh,
481 const simplex::Simplex& old_simplex,
482 const int64_t old_gid,
483 const std::vector<Tuple>& tuple_alternatives,
484 const std::vector<std::tuple<int64_t, std::array<int64_t, 2>>>& split_cell_maps) const;
487 Mesh& my_mesh,
488 const simplex::Simplex& old_simplex, // map tuple is contained in this
489 const int64_t old_gid,
490 const std::vector<Tuple>& tuple_alternatives,
491 const std::tuple<int64_t, std::array<int64_t, 2>>& split_cell_maps) const;
494 static std::optional<Tuple> find_tuple_from_gid(
495 const Mesh& my_mesh,
496 PrimitiveType primitive_type,
497 const std::vector<Tuple>& tuples,
498 int64_t gid);
500 // helper for updating multimap used in the update multimesh edge functor
501 static int64_t child_global_cid(
502 const wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>& parent_to_child,
503 int64_t parent_gid);
504 // helper for updating multimap used in the update multimesh edge functor
505 static int64_t parent_global_cid(
506 const wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>& child_to_parent,
507 int64_t child_gid);
508 // helper for updating multimap used in the update multimesh edge functor
509 static int64_t parent_local_fid(
510 const wmtk::attribute::Accessor<int64_t>& child_to_parent,
511 int64_t child_gid);
514 // ===============================================================================
515 // ===============================================================================
516 // ===============================================================================
517 // ===============================================================================
520 // internal function for mapping up a multimesh tree by a certain number of edges
521 //
522 // @return the mesh found at the top and the tuple that was found
523 std::pair<const Mesh&, Tuple>
524 map_up_to_tuples(const Mesh& my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex& simplex, int64_t depth) const;
526 // internal function for mapping down a multimesh tree by following a sequence of ids
527 //
528 // @return the mesh found at the top and the tuple that was found
529 std::vector<Tuple> map_down_relative_tuples(
530 const Mesh& my_mesh,
531 const simplex::Simplex& my_simplex,
532 const std::vector<int64_t>& local_id_path) const;
536 static std::vector<int64_t> least_upper_bound_id(
537 const std::vector<int64_t>& a,
538 const std::vector<int64_t>& b);
539 static std::vector<int64_t> relative_id(
540 const std::vector<int64_t>& parent,
541 const std::vector<int64_t>& child);
544 std::vector<int64_t> relative_id(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Mesh& parent_mesh) const;
546 static bool is_child(const std::vector<int64_t>& child, const std::vector<int64_t>& parent);
547 bool is_child(const Mesh& my_mesh, const Mesh& parent_mesh) const;
550 // this is defined internally but is preferablly invoked through the multimesh free function
551 static std::vector<std::array<Tuple, 2>> same_simplex_dimension_surjection(
552 const Mesh& parent,
553 const Mesh& child,
554 const std::vector<int64_t>& parent_simplices);
567 // remove after bug fix
568 void check_map_valid(const Mesh& my_mesh) const;
570 void check_child_map_valid(const Mesh& my_mesh, const ChildData& child_data) const;
572} // namespace wmtk::multimesh
The Tuple is the basic navigation tool in our mesh data structure.
Definition Tuple.hpp:19
A CachingAccessor that uses tuples for accessing attributes instead of indices.
Definition Accessor.hpp:28
Handle that represents attributes for some mesh.
Implementation details for how the Mesh class implements multiple meshes.
void check_map_valid(const Mesh &my_mesh) const
update all the hashes of the top-simplces of the parent mesh around a vertex hashes of the parent tup...
Tuple map_to_root_tuple(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to the root mesh
int64_t child_id() const
Specifies the child id of this mesh if it a child mesh in a mult-mesh tree.
bool has_child_mesh_in_dimension(int64_t dimension) const
static int64_t child_global_cid(const wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t > &parent_to_child, int64_t parent_gid)
static int64_t parent_local_fid(const wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t > &child_to_parent, int64_t child_gid)
bool can_map_child(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
MultiMeshManager(const MultiMeshManager &o)
std::map< std::string, const wmtk::utils::Hashable * > child_hashables() const override
const Mesh & get_root_mesh(const Mesh &my_mesh) const
std::vector< ChildData > m_children
MultiMeshManager(MultiMeshManager &&o)
std::optional< Tuple > find_valid_tuple_from_alternatives(Mesh &my_mesh, PrimitiveType primitive_type, const std::vector< Tuple > &tuple_alternatives) const
Mesh & get_mesh(Mesh &m, const std::vector< int64_t > &absolute_id)
static bool is_child(const std::vector< int64_t > &child, const std::vector< int64_t > &parent)
std::optional< Tuple > try_updating_map_tuple_from_split(Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &old_simplex, const int64_t old_gid, const std::vector< Tuple > &tuple_alternatives, const std::tuple< int64_t, std::array< int64_t, 2 > > &split_cell_maps) const
std::optional< Tuple > find_valid_tuple_from_split(Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &old_simplex, const int64_t old_gid, const std::vector< Tuple > &tuple_alternatives, const std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, std::array< int64_t, 2 > > > &split_cell_maps) const
void deregister_child_mesh(Mesh &my_mesh, const std::shared_ptr< Mesh > &child_mesh_ptr)
Deregister a child mesh.
static int64_t parent_global_cid(const wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t > &child_to_parent, int64_t child_gid)
static Tuple map_tuple_between_meshes(const Mesh &source_mesh, const Mesh &target_mesh, const wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t > &source_to_target_map_accessor, const Tuple &source_tuple)
std::optional< Tuple > find_valid_tuple(Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &old_simplex, const int64_t old_gid, const std::vector< Tuple > &tuple_alternatives, const std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, std::array< int64_t, 2 > > > &split_cell_maps={}) const
bool is_root() const
Specifies whether this structure is the root of a multi-mesh tree.
std::vector< int64_t > absolute_id() const
static std::vector< int64_t > least_upper_bound_id(const std::vector< int64_t > &a, const std::vector< int64_t > &b)
static std::string parent_to_child_map_attribute_name(int64_t index)
std::vector< ChildData > & children()
static std::string child_to_parent_map_attribute_name()
friend std::vector< std::array< Tuple, 2 > > multimesh::same_simplex_dimension_surjection(const Mesh &parent, const Mesh &child, const std::vector< int64_t > &parent_simplices)
void update_map_tuple_hashes(Mesh &my_mesh, PrimitiveType primitive_type, const std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, std::vector< Tuple > > > &simplices_to_update, const std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, std::array< int64_t, 2 > > > &split_cell_maps={})
std::vector< simplex::Simplex > map(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to any other mesh
void serialize(MeshWriter &writer, const Mesh *local_root=nullptr) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Mesh > > get_child_meshes() const
std::vector< Tuple > map_down_relative_tuples(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex, const std::vector< int64_t > &local_id_path) const
std::vector< bool > m_has_child_mesh_in_dimension
TypedAttributeHandle< int64_t > map_to_parent_handle
MultiMeshManager & operator=(const MultiMeshManager &o)
static std::vector< int64_t > relative_id(const std::vector< int64_t > &parent, const std::vector< int64_t > &child)
std::vector< TypedAttributeHandle< int64_t > > map_handles() const
std::map< std::string, std::size_t > child_hashes() const override
std::vector< Tuple > lub_map_tuples(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to any other mesh using the LUB as the root
void update_child_handles(Mesh &my_mesh)
Clean up child data after deleting attributes.
std::array< wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t >, 2 > get_map_accessors(Mesh &my_mesh, ChildData &c)
Tuple map_tuple_to_root_tuple(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Tuple &my_tuple) const
simplex::Simplex map_to_root(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to the root mesh
simplex::Simplex map_to_parent(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
optimized map from a simplex from this mesh to its direct parent
const std::vector< ChildData > & children() const
MultiMeshManager & operator=(MultiMeshManager &&o)
std::array< const wmtk::attribute::Accessor< int64_t >, 2 > get_map_const_accessors(const Mesh &my_mesh, const ChildData &c) const
std::vector< Tuple > map_tuples(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to any other mesh
static std::optional< Tuple > find_tuple_from_gid(const Mesh &my_mesh, PrimitiveType primitive_type, const std::vector< Tuple > &tuples, int64_t gid)
Tuple map_to_parent_tuple(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
optimized map from a simplex from this mesh to its direct parent
void check_child_map_valid(const Mesh &my_mesh, const ChildData &child_data) const
bool can_map(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
std::vector< Tuple > map_to_child_tuples(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &child_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
Mesh & get_child_mesh(Mesh &m, const std::vector< int64_t > &relative_id)
std::vector< simplex::Simplex > map_to_child(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &child_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
optimized map fromsimplex from this mesh to one of its direct children
std::pair< const Mesh &, Tuple > map_up_to_tuples(const Mesh &my_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &simplex, int64_t depth) const
void register_child_mesh(Mesh &my_mesh, const std::shared_ptr< Mesh > &child_mesh, const std::vector< std::array< Tuple, 2 > > &child_tuple_my_tuple_map)
register a another mesh as a child of this mesh.
Tuple map_tuple_to_parent_tuple(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Tuple &my_tuple) const
void update_maps_from_edge_operation(Mesh &my_mesh, PrimitiveType primitive_type, const operations::EdgeOperationData &operation_data)
std::vector< simplex::Simplex > lub_map(const Mesh &my_mesh, const Mesh &other_mesh, const simplex::Simplex &my_simplex) const
maps a simplex from this mesh to any other mesh using the LUB as the root
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< Mesh >, std::shared_ptr< Mesh > > multimesh(const MultiMeshType &type, Mesh &parent, std::shared_ptr< Mesh > child, const attribute::MeshAttributeHandle parent_position_handle, const std::string &tag_name, const int64_t tag_value, const int64_t primitive)
Definition multimesh.cpp:15
MultiMeshVisitor(NodeFunctor &&) -> MultiMeshVisitor< NodeFunctor >
std::vector< std::array< Tuple, 2 > > same_simplex_dimension_surjection(const Mesh &parent, const Mesh &child, const std::vector< int64_t > &parent_simplices)
MultiMeshSimplexVisitor(std::integral_constant< int64_t, cell_dimension >, NodeFunctor &&) -> MultiMeshSimplexVisitor< cell_dimension, NodeFunctor >