67 std::array<simplex::internal::VisitedArray<simplex::IdSimplex>, 2>
The Tuple is the basic navigation tool in our mesh data structure.
OpenStarIterable & m_container
TopDimensionCofacesIterable::Iterator m_it
void init()
Depending on the depth, the iterator must be initialized differently.
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const
int64_t depth()
Compute the depth from the mesh and the simplex type.
Iterator & step_depth_3()
Use breadth first search to find all d-simplices, and iterate through all cofaces in a d-simplex.
This iterator internally uses TopDimensionCofacesIterable.
TopDimensionCofacesIterable m_tdc_itrbl
TopDimensionCofacesIterable::Iterator m_it_end
std::array< simplex::internal::VisitedArray< simplex::IdSimplex >, 2 > m_visited_cofaces
const Tuple & tuple() const
Iterating through the d-simplices of a mesh can be done in different ways, depending on the simplex d...