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Wildmeshing is a simple and robust 2d and 3d meshing package.

It can be easily install trough conda:

conda install wildmeshing

Jupyter Notebook



It has 4 main functions:

  • tetrahedralize
  • triangulate
  • triangulate_data
  • triangulate_svg

and an unique import

import wildmeshing as wm

File based API

tetrahedralize and triangulate takes as input a path and write the output to a file using these parameters

  • input: Input segments in .obj format (for triangulate) and input surface mesh in .off/.obj/.stl/.ply format (for tetrahedralize).
  • feature_input default "": Input feature json file (only for triangulate)
  • output, default "": output path

triangulate_svg reads an SVG and returns numpy arrays:

  • svg_path: Path for the input SVG file


High-order triangulating an SVG:

V, F, nodes, F_nodes = wm.triangulate_svg("rocket.svg", cut_outside=True, hole_pts=[[255, 165]])

Tetrahedralizing an input triangle soup:

wm.tetrahedralize("small.stl", "out.msh")

numpy based API

triangulate_data uses numpy arrays as input and output:

  • V: Input vertices
  • E: Input edges
  • feature_info, default none: Json string containing the features


Triangulating vertex and edges:

V = np.array([...])
L = np.array([...])

vs, tris, _, _ = wm.triangulate(V, L, cut_outside=True)

Common options

All function have a common list of parameters:

  • stop_quality, default -1: Specify max AMIPS energy for stopping mesh optimization
  • max_its, default 80: Max number of mesh optimization iterations
  • stage, default 1 in 2D and 2 in 3D: Specify envelope stage
  • epsilon, default -1: Relative envelope \(\epsilon_r\). Absolute \(\epsilon = \epsilon_r \cdot d\), where \(d\) is the diagonal of the bounding box
  • edge_length_r, default 1/20: Relative target edge length \(\ell_r\). Absolute \(\ell=\ell_r \cdot d\), where \(d\) is the diagonal of the bounding box
  • mute_log, default false: Mute prints


The 2D meshing supports high order, therefore it has these additional options:

  • feature_epsilon, default 1e-3: Relative feature envelope mu_r. Absolute mu, default mu_r * diagonal_of_bbox (only for triangulate)
  • flat_feature_angle, default 10: Desired minimal angle
  • cut_outside, default false: Remove “outside part”
  • skip_eps, default false: Skip saving eps
  • hole_file, default “”: Input a .xyz file for specifying points inside holes you want to remove


Since it is more costly and complicated we have now a statefull version

tetra = wm.Tetrahedralizer(stop_quality=1000)
tetra.set_mesh(V, F)
VT, TT = tetra.get_tet_mesh()